FreeRTOS integration

The platform on which the esclient-api is used will expect that the CSP stack has been initialized.

The following code block from the demo app which resides in the app/src/main.c file initializes UART driver with baudrate of 115200 and uses this UART as a KISS interface (see es_csp.c).

     * Initialize UART driver & CSP lib. This functionality should not
     * be ported. It is only used to provide a working example.
    es_csp_uart_drv_t uart_drv = es_csp_uart_drv_init_default;
    uart_drv.tx = es_uart_csp_drv_tx;
    es_csp_conf_t es_csp_conf;
    es_csp_conf.s_addr = 11;
    es_csp_conf.phy_type = ES_CSP_UART;
    es_csp_conf.drv_iface = &uart_drv;

Note: To use CAN as physical layer instead of UART it should be initialized.

The following intiliazation has been provided in the demo application:

es_csp_can_drv_t can_drv = es_csp_can_drv_init_default;
can_drv.tx = es_can_csp_drv_tx; // NOTE:
 * es_can_csp_drv_tx is a function of type:
 * int (*es_csp_can_tx_t)(void *, uint32_t, const uint8_t *, uint8_t)
es_csp_conf_t es_csp_conf;
es_csp_conf.s_addr = ES_HOST_CSP_ADDRESS;
es_csp_conf.phy_type = ES_CSP_CAN;
es_csp_conf.drv_iface = &can_drv;

After initializing the CSP stack these two functions should be called:

    #define CSP_ADDRESS 10


The first one basically initializes the command handlers and the second one the CSP as transport layer for the esclient-api library. After performing these steps the library should be functional and able to transfer files with es_client_file_upload and es_client_file_download.

FreeRTOS port

The following steps should be performed in order for the esclient-api to be able to use CSP as tranport layer.

In this example code we are using UART as physical and the KISS protocol.

  1. Initialize UART & attach rx handler (uart_csp_drv_rx_cb).

 * UART HAL Init
 * reference file: app/src/es_uart_csp_drv.c
static UART_HandleTypeDef huart4; /* CSP UART Handle */
static volatile uint8_t i_byte = 0;
static BaseType_t pxTaskWoken = pdFALSE;

int uart_init()
     * Initialize UART, NVIC here
     * .
     * .
     * .

    /* Attach csp rx handler ~ uart_csp_drv_rx_cb */
    HAL_UART_RegisterCallback(&huart4, HAL_UART_RX_COMPLETE_CB_ID,

    HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart4, (uint8_t*)&i_byte, 1);

void es_uart_csp_drv_rx_cb(UART_HandleTypeDef* huart)
    es_csp_uart_frame_rx((const uint8_t *)&i_byte, 1, &pxTaskWoken);
    if (HAL_OK != HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart4, (uint8_t*)&i_byte, 1))

int uart_csp_drv_tx(void *drv_data, const uint8_t *o_frame, size_t o_frame_len)
    uint32_t timeout = 1000;
    HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart4, o_frame, o_frame_len, timeout);

    return 0;
  • Initialize and configure UART peripheral attaching the es_csp_uart_frame_rx (csp_kiss_rx) handler to process the inbound byte stream.

  • Initialize CSP lib & add kiss interface to it with a valid tx handler es_uart_csp_drv_tx.

CSP Reference doc

To use CAN:

  • Initialize and configure CAN peripheral attaching the es_csp_can_frame_rx (csp_can_rx) handler to process the inbound byte stream.

  • Initialize CSP lib & add kiss interface to it with a valid tx handler es_can_csp_drv_tx.

CSP Reference doc

  1. Initialize CSP.

#define ES_CSP_TASK_STACK_SIZE                   500
#define ES_CSP_TASK_PRIORITY                     0

 * CSP Init
 * reference file: app/src/es_csp.c
int8_t es_csp_init(es_csp_conf_t *es_csp_conf)
    int ret = 0;

    csp_conf_t csp_conf;

    /* Init CSP with address and default settings */
    csp_conf.address = es_csp_conf->s_addr;
    csp_conf.buffer_data_size = ES_CSP_MTU;
    ret = csp_init(&csp_conf);
    if (ret != CSP_ERR_NONE)
        return -1;

    es_csp_ctx.physical = es_csp_conf->phy_type;
    /** Note this function calls
    * the physical layer intialization (UART / CAN). The test setup has been only
    * used with UART.
    ret = es_csp_phy_init[es_csp_ctx.physical](es_csp_conf);

    if (ret != 0)
        return -1;
    csp_route_start_task(ES_CSP_TASK_STACK_SIZE, ES_CSP_TASK_PRIORITY);

    return 0;

The only difference is in the physical layer all the application code above is indiferent to the layer used.

  1. Initialize the esclient-api lib and use it for communication with the module.

    #include "esclient.h"

    uint16_t csp_address = 10;


    ret = es_client_file_upload("/path/to/host/filesystem/filename",
    if (0 != ret) {
        ES_LOG_MSG(ES_ERROR, "File upload failed");