File Transfer


This page describes the file transfer protocol, how to use the API to upload/download files and the limitations of it.

A file transfer is initiated with either write request (file upload) WRQ or read request (file download) RRQ. The contents of the file are exchanged using data packets with block size of 256 bytes. A data packet of less than block size of 256 bytes signals termination of a transfer. Notice that both sides involved in a transfer are considered senders and receivers. One sends data and receives acknowledgments, the other sends acknowledgments and receives data.

An error cause termination of the connection. An error is signalled by sending an error packet. This packet is not acknowledged.

Errors are caused by three types of events: not being able to satisfy the request (e.g., file not found, access violation), receiving a packet which cannot be decoded and losing access to a necessary resource (e.g., disk full or access denied during a transfer).

File upload (WRQ)

To initiate a transfer from the host device to the remote device the es_client_file_upload function is used.

Example of starting file upload

/* esclient core library */
#include <esclient.h>

es_client_file_upload("/file/path/on/the/host/device", "/file/path/on/the/remote/device");

The request/response pkts excahnged between the client and the server will look like this.

        %%{init: {'theme': 'neutral'}}%%
    participant C as ES Client
    participant S as ES Server

    activate C
    Note left of C: request packet<br/>opcode: ES_TFTP_WRQ<br/>filename: FileName<br/>
    C->>S: WRQ
    deactivate C

    activate S
    Note right of S: ack packet<br/>opcode:ES_TFTP_ACK<br/>block_number:0<br/>
    S->>C: ACK (0)
    deactivate S

    activate C
    Note left of C: DATA packet<br/>opcode:ES_TFTP_DATA<br/>block_number:1<br/>data: 256bytes<br/>
    C->>S: DATA (1)
    deactivate C

    activate S
    Note right of S: ack packet<br/>opcode:ES_TFTP_ACK<br/>block_number:1 <br/>
    S->>C: ACK (1)
    deactivate S

    activate C
    Note left of C: DATA packet<br/>opcode:ES_TFTP_DATA<br/>block_number:2<br/>data: 256bytes<br/>
    C->>S: DATA (2)
    deactivate C

    activate S
    Note right of S: ack packet<br/>opcode:ES_TFTP_ACK<br/>block_number:2<br/>
    S->>C: ACK (2)
    deactivate S

    activate C
    Note left of C: DATA packet<br/>opcode:ES_TFTP_DATA<br/>block_number:N<br/>data: < 512bytes<br/>
    C->>S: DATA (N)
    deactivate C

    activate S
    Note right of S: ack packet<br/>opcode:ES_TFTP_ACK<br/>block_number:N<br/>
    S->>C: ACK (N)
    deactivate S

File download (RRQ)

To initiate a transfer from the server to the host device the es_client_file_download function is used.

Example of starting file download

/* esclient core library */
#include <esclient.h>

es_client_file_download("/file/path/on/the/remote/device", "/file/path/on/the/host/device");

The request/response pkts excahnged between the client and the server will look like this:

        %%{init: {'theme': 'neutral'}}%%
    participant C as ES Client
    participant S as ES Server

    activate C
    Note left of C: request packet<br/>opcode:ES_TFTP_RRQ<br/>filename: FileName<br/>
    C->>S: RRQ
    deactivate C

    activate S
    Note right of S: DATA packet<br/>opcode:ES_TFTP_DATA <br/>block_number:1 data: 512bytes<br/>
    S->>C: DATA (1)
    deactivate S

    activate C
    Note left of C: ack packet<br/>opcode:ES_TFTP_ACK<br/>block_number:1<br/>
    C->>S: ACK (1)
    deactivate C

    activate S
    Note right of S: DATA packet<br/>opcode:ES_TFTP_DATA <br/>block_number:2 data: 512bytes<br/>
    S->>C: DATA (2)
    deactivate S

    activate C
    Note left of C: ack packet<br/>opcode:ES_TFTP_ACK<br/>block_number:2<br/>
    C->>S: ACK (2)
    deactivate C

    activate S
    Note right of S: DATA packet<br/>opcode:ES_TFTP_DATA <br/>block_number:N data: < 512bytes<br/>
    S->>C: DATA (N)
    deactivate S

    activate C
    Note left of C: ack packet<br/>opcode:ES_TFTP_ACK<br/>block_number: N<br/>
    C->>S: ACK (N)
    deactivate C


What happens if we want to upload/download a file which already exists on the remote/local file system?

The files are always truncated (deleted) in case they already exist on the file system.

ES TFTP Implementation


enumerator es_tftp_opcode_t

ES tftp opcode mnemonic

enumerator ES_TFTP_ACK

Acknowedge packet.

enumerator ES_TFTP_DATA

Data packet.

enumerator ES_TFTP_ERROR

Error packet.

enumerator ES_TFTP_RRQ

Read request. Request a transfer of a file from the server to the client

enumerator ES_TFTP_WRQ

Write request. Request a transfer of a file from the client to the server

Error codes

enumerator es_tftp_err_code_t

ES tftp Error Codes


This error is seen when we ask for a file on which we do not have the right to read or write.


TFTP client receives this error when there is limited storage area on the server.


The client receives this error code when the requested file does not exist.


Any TFTP packet does not follow the RFC is called illegal. A packet with an unknown opcode, a packet with a malformed payload, or a packet that is out of sequence with the normal flow of commands/responses would all be considered “illegal”


Unused Once the protocol was first adopted, it supported three modes of transferring, which were netascii, octet and mail mode, which was used for sending files to an email address. This error is received when the recipient username does not exist on the server. This mode is not used anymore. .. note:: We do not support the mode field.


When a TFTP client sends a duplicate read request (typically this happens when the first read request times out), the requests may create an unexpected situation on the server.


/* ES TFTP Packet structure */
typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) _es_tftp_pkt_t {
      uint8_t opcode; /**< Packet type @see es_tftp_opcode_t */
      union {
            es_tftp_request_t request;
            es_tftp_data_t data;
            es_tftp_ack_t ack;
            es_tftp_err_t err;
} es_tftp_pkt_t;
struct es_tftp_request_t

TFTP request packet

uint8_t filename[]

File system path. Flexible array member with size x, x ∈ [1;512]

uint8_t mode

Mode (Unused)

struct es_tftp_data_t

TFTP data packet

uint8_t block[]

Data: Flexible array member with size x, x ∈ [1;256]

uint16_t block_number
struct es_tftp_ack_t

TFTP acknowedge packet

uint16_t block_number
struct es_tftp_err_t

TFTP error packet

uint8_t code

Error code. es_tftp_err_code_t

uint8_t msg[]

Error mesasge in free text format. Flexible array member with size x, x ∈ [1;512]